Department of Science

We believe that faculty of science is a place where students can research and educate themselves on science. Science is a study that connects the students with the nature in order to understand the principles and laws applied in the natural world. We make students curious about revealing the mysteries of nature which started by asking basic question such as “Why” and “How” etc. The very primary factor of encouragement for performing most research activities lies in the enough interest, passion and human wisdom that have been accumulated in this manner for many generations.

Sometimes deep understanding of nature directly results in most applied use in the real world or other times, it takes a long time to bring significant changes to our lives. It also includes quantum mechanics which deep interest lead students to the understanding of the behavior of electrons in substance which further results in establishment of semiconductor technology. Science can be a base for the applied science but that is not the only reason of its importance.

Duration: 3 Years

Eligibility: 12th (Science)

Fee Per Year: 34000.00

Duration: 4 Years

Eligibility: 12th (Science)

Fee Per Year: 44000.00

Duration: 2 Years

Eligibility: B.Sc.

Fee Per Year: 44000.00

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